Tag: overlooked

Overlooked: Alternate Realities

 Y’all, I need to be up-front about something. You probably shouldn’t watch this movie. I had vague memories of enjoying it as a young teenager, knew the science was absurd enough to provide plenty of material for this column, and will watch anything with David Duchovny. But it’s a terrible movie. The soundtrack includes...

Overlooked: LA is My Lady

After 12 years in New York City, I am relocating to Los Angeles, California in the immediate future, and searching out what was overlooked in January for LA is My Lady is the perfect opportunity to showcase some of the films that made me want to make the City of Angels my new home. -John Liang COLLATERAL is a...

ICYMI Monday: Cookin’ Up With Joan Crawford and A Whole Lotta Leg

Taste of Cinema has a list of Overlooked Movies from the ’70s – bestill our beating hearts! And it’s always nice to see The Friends of Eddie Coyle get it’s due props. Nathan Rabin takes a moment at The Dissolve to examine what a performer’s legacy should be comprised of, warts and all. Legs, legs,...