ICYMI Monday: Cookin’ Up With Joan Crawford and A Whole Lotta Leg
Taste of Cinema has a list of Overlooked Movies from the ’70s – bestill our beating hearts! And it’s always nice to see The Friends of Eddie Coyle get it’s due props.
Nathan Rabin takes a moment at The Dissolve to examine what a performer’s legacy should be comprised of, warts and all.
Legs, legs, legs – Showgirls of yesteryear behind the scenes in photos by LIFE photographer Gordon Parks. Reminds us of these rules that Nomi Malone chose to ignore…
Sarah’s Links:
It’s dinner party season! À la Joan Crawford, no less.
And in prep for the latest Shotgun!, brush up on Raquel Welch’s sort of depressing career trajectory thanks to Karina Longworth’s incredibly absorbing and well-research podcast about Hollywood’s seamy past, You Must Remember This.